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[Explanation] Why Handmade? Why Cold Process?

There are probably a lot of people wondering

"Why handmade soap?"

Handmande soap because

  • Health and environmental concerns

  • Commercial soap and shower gel contains harmful/toxic and irritating ingredients as well as being a hazardous industrial waste

  • Harmful ingredients in commercial soap and shower gel

  • Petrochemicals – based cleaning agent, unsafe for humans in long term, carcinogenic

  • Paraben – chemical preservatives, carcinogenic

  • Perfume/fragrance – allergies and hormonal issues, aggravates skin problems

  • Coloring – artificial dyes, skin irritant

There are many more but these are the most common in commercials soap and shower gel products

  • Natural vs artificial


  • Handmade soap

  • Plant-based ingredients

  • Earthy in colour

  • Subtle scent (of essential oil)

  • Maximum shelf life is 24 months


  • Detergent

  • Artificial chemicals

  • Bright/neon colours

  • Strong fragrances

  • 3-5 years shelf life


Why cold process?

  • Cold process is 1 out of 4 methods of making soap

  • Other 3 – hot process, rebatching, melt and pour

  • Cold process

  • low temp

  • unique recipe

  • short working time

  • retains natural glycerin

  • long curing time

  • Hot process

  • unique recipe

  • short curing time

  • long working time

  • high temperature (benefits/essential oil may be cooked away)

  • glycerin may be extracted

  • not as smooth as cold process soaps

  • Rebatching

  • fix of

failed cold process soap

  • for dedicated additives

  • not as smooth as cold process soap

  • high temperature

  • Melt and Pour

  • simple and fast

  • transparent/white/colourful

  • standard recipe

  • may not be 100% natural

  • may not have glycerin

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